Preguntas frecuentes

Orato accepts well-written, first-person, event-driven, non-fiction accounts from around the world, written in English, Italian or Spanish, to begin with, and intends to expand our language offering in the future. We welcome pitches and story ideas from subjects, eyewitnesses, writers, and journalists.

First-person stories tied to a crystalizing event or moment Photos

Articles can be submitted via our story submission page. We welcome submissions from subjects, witnesses, writers, journalists, photographers, and artists. We regret that we are only able to publish a small portion of these submissions, and, in general, only respond to submissions that we intend to publish. When submitting your work, please provide a brief explanation as to why your story is timely, important, and of interest to Orato readers. Be clear about why you are the person to write the first-person story. All stories must be verifiable and will be fact-checked by a journalist who has been retained and specifically assigned to the story by Orato and our editing team. For information on submission specifics, please visit the Submit page.

In this type of narrative, the narrator is the central character of the story and relays their experience to the reader. (Sometimes, however, the storyteller can be a peripheral character or witness.) Pronouns such as “I”, “me”, “we”, and “us” are used in first-person storytelling, giving the reader a personal account and an intimate perspective of the story in question. There are many fine articles on how to write first-person, for example.

Si bien se prefiere que el trabajo se envíe con una firma, Orato entiende que en algunos casos, las entrevistas en el registro no son posibles y que la publicación de cierta información puede poner en riesgo a los autores o sujetos. Orato otorga el anonimato a las fuentes solo cuando nombrarlas podría resultar en peligro, represalias o estigma indebido. Además, los lectores de Orato siempre serán informados de por qué se ha otorgado el anonimato a un autor o tema en particular, que solo se otorgará a discreción del editor en jefe.

Orato compensates contributors for accepted stories or photography based on a number of factors, such as length of the story, quality, relevance, as well as the current typical rates established from time to time by the market and our editorial team. Compensation for your material, if accepted and published, will be determined in advance with our editors and based on a per story-fee guarantee. If you have something to submit you believe merits compensation, please reach out to the managing editor directly using the Pitch a Story form.

Respuesta corta: No. Necesitamos relacionarnos con periodistas independientes y hacer que firmen acuerdos independientes en los que prometen garantizar que se sigan los principios del periodismo para garantizar que corroboramos la historia y proporcionamos a nuestros lectores contenido en el que puedan confiar. No incentivamos a los entrevistados pagándoles.

Los miembros que deseen hacer donaciones a Orato nos ayudarán a mantenernos operativos e independientes. Los miembros pueden estar seguros de que sus donaciones van más allá de esta plataforma para apoyar a los aspirantes a periodistas en su búsqueda de la verdad y para recuperar la integridad y la ética que desaparecieron con el surgimiento del ciclo de noticias digitales 24/7.