
Sign Our Petition


We want to harness the power that we as individuals, who share common values, collectively possess and can wield by demanding our right to be heard. As engaged citizens around the globe, we can together use our voices to force elected officials to comply with our demand that they communicate, coordinate, and cooperate across nations to tackle critical issues.

We’ve seen enough suffering from the conflicts and oppression that kill and displace people around the globe. We’ve witnessed enough climate events evidencing the degradation of our environment. We’ve experienced the consequences of elected strongmen who ascend to office and only believe in power and force, who spread hate by advancing divisive policies and demonizing others.  

For the sake of humanity and the fragility of our planet – independent of race, color, gender, creed, age, political persuasion, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation – we need a movement dedicated to advancing the best interest of human beings individually and collectively. We need a global non-profit organization supporting and honoring the common values we all share; an initiative that allows us to hold hands (virtually) and advance real and practical solutions to issues that affect us all.

Addressing global issues country by country has neither yielded a higher quality of life or more peace on earth. Directly or indirectly, humanity continues to be adversely harmed by climate change, the oppression and exploitation of women, child labor, world hunger, plastic waste, unregulated artificial intelligence, income inequality, exportation of raw ingredients that make illicit drugs, money laundering, lack of a humane and global strategy for refugees, terrorism, anemic birth rates, pandemics, violations of data privacy, deterioration of journalism by the dissemination of misinformation and disinformation, and more.


Imagine a global movement, seeded by the participation of individual human beings, that forces elected officials around the globe to “Communicate, Cooperate, and Collaborate” on practical and workable solutions that address the common challenges we all face.   

Due to the evolution of technology, travel, and communication, we do not live in silos, separate and isolated from one another. We are inhabitants of a shared planet who are mostly digitally connected. We share common values. People generally want to be safe, to thrive, to enjoy peace, to create, and to see our planet made habitable and available for generations to come. We live in a global village. Unless we coordinate our efforts to confront and overcome these threats, our adversaries – even biological ones – will win.

Why should we care?

Every day, at Orato World Media, we have the rare privilege of working with qualified journalists who interview subjects who experience newsworthy events first-hand, from every corner of the globe.  Equally important, our journalists verify the veracity of each story so you can be confident each published piece is a true reported event experienced by a real person. When a news event breaks, wherever that might be, Orato is there searching for someone who not only witnessed the event but, more importantly, survived it. An Orato journalist interviews that individual in their own domestic language, so we can publish – in English and the subject’s native language – the account of their story. We call this first-person news reporting.

Every week we learn about world events and the way they affect individual lives. Day in and day out, our readers’ hearts are moved, and their souls are stirred.  Orato’s stories help us open our minds to the truth of our global society, and the impact world issues have on each of us, wherever we reside. We see the intense disparities from nation to nation and this compels us to pursue change.

We want to harness the power that we as individuals, who share common values, collectively possess and can wield by demanding our right to be heard. As engaged citizens around the globe, we can together use our voices to force elected officials to comply with our demand that they “Communicate, Coordinate, and Cooperate” across nations to tackle these critical issues.

At Orato World Media, we assert the following values, which the majority of humanity shares:

1. Independent of age, gender, race, color, creed, religious conviction or sexual orientation; no one shall be oppressed or exploited.
2. Every human will have the sovereign right to choose what they can do with their bodies.
3. Every human being will have the right to speak their truth without undue influence.
4. We will accept indisputable facts so we can make decisions based on those facts.
5. No one shall be entitled to intentionally disseminate misinformation or disinformation.

As enough of us join this movement by, at the very least, signing Orato’s petition and, at best, making a donation to Orato World Media Foundation Inc., we will scale our movement by training generations of new journalists to interview subjects and write first-person stories of true verified events by real people; and to publish our content in more languages.

As enough of us join, we will press elected officials and demand they take action on issues that threaten us all as part of a global community committed to lasting change.

As enough of us join, we will wield our power to boycott those corporate entities who only exist for profit and power at the expense of our rights. 

As men, women, and children around the world become aware of and join our global movement to protect the sovereign rights of every living soul who shares these values, we can become a nation of change. Together, we can advance solutions that represent and celebrate the sovereign rights we are entitled to as sentient individuals, contributing to a thriving planet.

There are dozens and dozens of for-profit social media sites which have garnered billions of followers.  Orato World Media Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit entity, dedicated to the betterment of humanity and without the pursuit of profit or fame, our mandate will never change. Our goal – to inspire a global movement of collective action – and it begins by garnering your support.

Sign up and pledge today. #CommunicateCooperate&CollaborateNow! #GlobalCooperationNow!
Sign Our Petition.

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