Sara Montano Escobar

Sara earned her undergraduate degree is in general psychology and won a scholarship for her Master's Degree in Literature from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. She published multiple poetry collections including Teachings (Liberoamérica, Argentina, 2019), Nocturnal conversations with the shadow of my mother (Perniciosa editorial, Argentina, 2019), La Impúdica Humanidad de lo Sagrado (House of culture of Loja, Ecuador, 2021) and My dog ​​does not read my poems (Publication House of Cuenca, Ecuador, 2022). She won honorable mentions in the Ileana Espinel Cedeño national contest (2019 and 2021), second prize for poetry in the Carlos Giménez international contest (Spain, 2021), and a Casa Editorial poetry prize (Ecuador, 2021). Her poems have been published in digital magazines including Poémame, New York Poetry Review, Circle of Poetry, El Humo, I Say Word, and others. She was selected as one of the winners in the School of the Living Arts Festival (Institute for the Promotion of Creativity and Innovation, IFCI, 2021) and won an online residence with Atelier Poético (Organization of Ibero-American States, 2021). She is a writer for the organization La Ninfa Eco and independently conducts therapeutic and creative writing workshops. She is coordinator of the Editorial Unicornias.