
An unexpected guest arrived, and it was death: fire at a wedding reception in Iraq traps, kills, and injures hundreds

In the blink of an eye, the scene transformed from celebratory to sheer terror. The sounds of screams replaced the joyous laughter and singing, sending shockwaves of panic and fear through the room. The dazzling lights that illuminated the dance floor faded into an eerie darkness shrouding everything.

  • 10 months ago
  • October 5, 2023
6 min read
Families gather for a funeral ceremony for the dead after a tragic fire at a wedding killed and injured hundreds of people in Iraq. Families gather for a funeral ceremony for the dead after a tragic fire at a wedding killed and injured hundreds of people in Iraq. | Photo courtesy of Abu Ruqayyah
Abu Ruqayyah is a freelance journalist in Iraq
Interview Subject
Abu Ruqayyah, 35, serves as a freelance journalist in Iraq and is affiliated with the Al-Rafidain News Agency. Originally from Mosul, he resides in the Ba’ashiqa district today, located in the plains of Nineveh. His passion for storytelling and commitment to delivering accurate information has propelled him to work with prestigious media outlets. Abu enjoys uncovering compelling stories that provide valuable insight from the rich cultural landscape where he lives. His deep connection to the region allows him to capture the essence of the people in a unique way.

With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to journalistic integrity, Abu Ruqayyah ensures that his writings are informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. His work not only sheds light on local events but also serves as a bridge between different communities, fostering understanding and empathy.
Background Information
Though reports have varied, an Associated Press article from September 28 indicated about 100 people died and another 150 were injured at the wedding fire in Iraq. The fire broke out in one of Iraq’s largest Christian communities where hundreds of people celebrated in a banquet hall in Qaraqosh, in the Nineveh province. Witnesses and civil defense officials said the fire was sparked by fireworks set off as the bride and groom danced.
Highly flammable metal and plastic composite panels that covered the hall fueled the blaze, they added. Security forces arrested 10 of the venue’s staff, its owner, and three people involved with the fireworks. In the afternoon, hundreds of mourners attended a funeral for more than 40 of the victims at a cemetery in Qaraqosh, which is also known as al-Hamdaniya and Bakhdida. Some carried portraits of their deceased loved ones.

QARAQOSH, Iraq ꟷ In the electric atmosphere of the wedding hall, joy and excitement permeated every corner. The bride and groom glided across the dance floor with radiant smiles, basking in the love emanating from their friends and family. Harmonious melodies mingled with the heartfelt cheers of guests. Children giggled and twirled, adding an extra touch of happiness to a beautiful day.

The scene embodied hope for the future, love, and new beginnings, when suddenly an unexpected guest arrived, shocking everyone. That unexpected guest was death.

Read more fire stories at Orato World Media.

As a raging fire trapped the wedding guests, joy turned to terror

At 10:30 p.m., tragedy struck the ill-fated wedding reception in Al-Heigham Hall in Hamdaneya – a disaster that shook the people of Iraq. The guests, in a moment of celebration, began to set off fireworks inside the hall which contained highly flammable materials. The ceiling, made of plastic and other ignitable substances, quickly caught fire resulting in an electrical malfunction.

In the blink of an eye, the scene transformed from celebratory to sheer terror. The sounds of screams replaced the joyous laughter and singing, sending shockwaves of panic and fear through the room. The dazzling lights that illuminated the dance floor faded into an eerie darkness shrouding everything. The sweet fragrances that filled the air were overpowered by dense, suffocating smoke, making it difficult to breathe.

About one thousand men, women, and children filled the space when the fire broke out, engulfing the hall and everyone inside it. Delayed assistance and the existence of only one exit sealed their fate. Approximately 100 people died and about 150 were injured. As countless human lives faced mortal danger, residents from surrounding areas rushed to rescue those trapped inside.

The selflessness and bravery of those who ran to the scene to help despite the danger, and who generously donated blood, exemplifies the strength and compassion within our communities, especially in times of crisis. After overcoming the initial shock, authorities swiftly took action to offer support to families of the deceased and injured. The investigation continues to uncover details.

A moment of national unity in Iraq

In the midst of adversity, the nation of Iraq came together. Leaders and officials, regardless of their political affiliations, set aside their differences to provide aid and assistance. A spirit of unity and solidarity prevailed, demonstrating that in times of crisis, humanity transcends self-imposed boundaries. Though shock and grief affected everyone, communities united and emerged stronger than before.

The newlyweds survived that day, but their emotional well-being was severely affected. The groom experienced tragic and unimaginable loss as the fire claimed the lives of his mother, father, brother, and uncle. Equally heart-wrenching, the bride mourns the loss of her mother, sister, nephew, and numerous other relatives. A wedding is meant to be a joyous occasion but this one will forever be marked by anguish. In the aftermath, discussions about prevention permeate the public conversation.

Officials and communities continue to discuss fireworks safety including assessing the suitability of a venue in advance and ensuring safety measures are in place. Sadly, the abrupt shift from joy to despair on this particular wedding day serves as a reminder: life can be so fragile. We must appreciate every moment with our loved ones and look for solace amidst chaos. In doing so, we cultivate resilience, finding the strength in ourselves and in each other to overcome even the darkest moments with unwavering determination.

This wasn’t an isolated incident

Sadly, the wedding tragedy at Al-Heitham Hall would soon be followed by an equally devastating incident in the city of Hawija where food poisoning affected nearly 100 people attending a wedding. It felt like the dark cloud of misfortune descended upon our nation, testing our resolve.

The scars of these incidents remain etched in our collective memory. As time passes, the wounds heal, but the memories of those lost remain forever. The nation will move forward, but it will do so with heightened awareness of the importance of safety and preparedness.

The tragic events at Al-Heitham Hall and in Hawija will not have occurred in vain. I hope they inspire lasting change in Iraq, and a commitment to safeguarding lives.

As I reflect on my experiences, I try to look forward: May the souls of those who perished find eternal peace, and may their memories serve as a beacon of light, guiding us toward a safer and more compassionate future. May the nation of Iraq stand strong – united in resilience – even in the darkest of times.

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