
Women across Colombia march for abortion rights

For the past 20 years, women marched in cities all throughout South America, calling on their governments to legalize abortion, grant access to safe and inexpensive services, and put an end to the stigma and prejudice against women who choose to have an abortion.

  • 1 year ago
  • October 16, 2023
3 min read
Tens of thousands of women wearing green marched through the streets of Colombia on Thursday, September 28, 2023 to honor International Safe Abortion Day, fighting for their freedom of choice and the decriminalization of abortion. Tens of thousands of women wearing green marched through the streets of Latin America on Thursday, September 28, to honor International Safe Abortion Day, fighting for their freedom of choice and the decriminalization of abortion. | Photo courtesy of Mariana Delgado Barón
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Today’s photo gallery comes from Mariana Delgado Barón, an independent photographer based in Bogotá, Colombia. This gallery features photos from the September 28, 2023 march for the freedom of choice and the decriminalization of abortion.

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On September 28, 2023, hundreds of women took to the streets of Bogotá and other Colombian cities. They stood in protest against the criminalization of abortion and the war on freedom of choice.

In Colombia abortion is allowed only in cases of rape, high health risks, or birth defects. The women of Bogotá demand the complete decriminalization of the procedure. 

Women who wanted to stop their pregnancy found themselves forced into performing risky, underground abortions, which resulted in disastrous consequences.

Every year, some 70 women die and 132,000 suffer complications from unsafe abortions in Colombia.

Doctors, human rights organizations, and women’s organizations across the country launched the Causa Justa movement. It aims to take abortion out of the criminal law.

With live music, the Plaza de Bolívar served as the first focal point of the demonstration. In the late afternoon, the mobilization proceeded with a tour of the city center. It concluded with a second concert in the west of the city at Plaza de la Hoja. 

The color green appeared through the streets of the city, the official color for the cause.

For the past 20 years, women marched in cities all throughout South America, calling on their governments to legalize abortion. They also demand access to safe and inexpensive services. Ultimately, the women want an end to the stigma of choosing to have an abortion.

Since 2011, the march occurs every year globally. It is considered a worldwide day of action to call for safe abortion everywhere.

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