Thousands of female cyclists campaign to save the environment for Women’s Month

For decades, climate change posed a direct threat to food systems in many parts of the world. Issues such as drought, heat waves, or flooding destroying crops and livelihoods are direct consequences to global warming.

  • 2 years ago
  • March 24, 2023
1 min read
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QUEZON CITY, Philippines — In honor of Women’s Month, a group of a thousand female cyclists joined a bicycle marathon on March 12th, 2023, to raise awareness on climate change and help save the environment from fossil fuels.

Thousands of people participate in the annual Pedal for People and Planet campaign, held in six different countries of Asia. Cyclists hit the streets in India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, Vietnam and the Philippines. In addition to tackling issues regarding the climate, the event highlights the importance of women in the fight for the environment.

Cycling for the future

This is the sixth event held since 2021. The most recent event took place in November 2022 as the COP27 climate summit opened in Egypt. Cycling enthusiasts and many others joined climate campaigners in 49 coordinated bicycle events in these nine countries.

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For decades, climate change posed a direct threat to food systems in many parts of the world. Issues such as drought, heat waves, or flooding destroying crops and livelihoods are direct consequences of global warming. In these countries specifically, women bear the brunt of these effects because they provide food for their family and depend on natural resources to live. The participants urge officials to act now in order to make a lasting change. We estimated that 60 percent of those chronically hungry are women and girls. In the world’s poorest communities, millions of people suffer from household air pollution due to lack of access to clean energy for cooking. This leads to premature deaths of which the large majority are women

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